„I have not only landed in another world, in an independent, isolated world; I am touching this world -it is real. (…)
The evidence is so dazzling that it doesn’t occur to me to think, to trap it in my net –
It will be a revelation which will find the limits of my own existence.
At a single blow I will be freed from the worries of the monotonous existence which I call my life.
I am only still in fascinated awe through what this sovereign object will be unveiled.“
(Source: Simone de Beauvoir, New York – mon amour, Ebersbach 2011, S. 29).
„The Connecticut River Valley, as much as any other region, represented a place where Paradise could be regained.“
(Jill A. Hodnicki, The Literary Landscape: A Delightful Excursion, in: Kerry W. Buckley, A Place called Paradise, p. 259).
„Come and show me another city lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning.“
(Poem: Chicago, Carl Sandburg, Good morning – America!, Berlin 1948, p. 22).
- Okt 2001 – März 2002 in Berlin zu „Reformforderungen zum Familienrecht und zur Rechtsstellung der Frau im Deutschen Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik (1873-1933)“ für das DFG-Projekt des Lehrgebiets Zivilrecht und Rechtsgeschichte, Prof. St. Meder, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover.